Easy Read

From Australia’s leading provider of clear information

What is Easy Read?

Easy Read is a way of making information easy to understand. Different formats of Easy Read may also be called Easy English or simple English.

It uses:

  • simple text
  • pictures to explain text
  • lots of white space.

Easy Read can be used for all types of documents, including:

  • reports
  • brochures
  • forms
  • surveys.

And it’s great for websites too.

Image caption: A selection of Easy Read documents we have created for various clients.

How do we create Easy Read content?

How we write Easy Read content

We use clear, easy to understand language when converting your content into Easy Read. This means no jargon or slang and we explain any complex words that need to be included. We only have one idea per sentence and, where appropriate, we use an image to support the text.

Photos and images we use

We customise the content to suit the needs of your audience and to match your brand. We use photographs along with icons and illustrations developed by our team of in-house graphic designers. We can even develop fully customised bespoke illustrations if you want your document to have its own style.

Our photos include a broad representation of the diverse Australian community. They include people with disability, First Nations people, older people, younger people and a range of culturally diverse models.

Who is Easy Read for?

Everyone benefits from Easy Read, including people who are time‑poor.

Did you know?

43% of adults in Australia have low levels of literacy

17.7% of the Australian population has a disability – that’s 4.4 million people

44% of adults in Australia have low levels of computer skills

Source: Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies, 2013; Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers, 2018.

Getting results

Simple content gets better results. This works through:

Increased engagement

When a person looks at your communication product, images help them to instantly connect because our brain is wired for
visual communication.

Increased understanding

When you use clear, simple language to explain key concepts, people will understand your content the first time they read it.

Increased action

When people understand what you want them to do, they can make decisions and act. This might be anything from filling out a form, signing up for a process or paying a bill on time.

Our experience

Since we started in 2009, we have worked on a wide range of editorial and design projects for government departments and agencies at national, state and local levels.

We have also worked extensively with clients in the disability and community sectors. We are also on a number of Australian and state government and agency panels to provide services in a range of categories.

We have converted many documents into Easy Read content, including complex legal and technical information.

Below are some examples of our Easy Read work.


We worked with the NDIA to create Easy Read content for the National Disability Insurance Scheme website on the topic of employment.

Screen Australia

We helped explain diversity on Australian screens by creating an Easy Read summary of Screen Australia’s report Seeing Ourselves 2.

Fairfield City Council

We created an Easy Read summary of Fairfield City Council’s Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2022–2026 in 2 formats – an accessible PDF document and an HTML webpage.

We have worked with councils across Australia to produce Easy Read versions of their Disability Inclusion Action Plans.

Women With Disabilities Australia

We worked closely with Women With Disabilities Australia (WWDA) to create an Easy Read version of their Our Site website. Our Site was created to help address the lack of targeted resources available in formats that are inclusive and accessible to women and girls with disability. We were commissioned to:

Some topics required our team to have a deep sensitivity and understanding of trauma-sensitive imagery.

Coalition of Peaks

We worked with the Coalition of Peaks to develop an Easy Read guide to the National Agreement on Closing the Gap.

We used in-house document testers and a focus group to gain more insight into the needs of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander audience. Their feedback guided us to enhance our culturally sensitive design, images and language while maintaining clear communication.

Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability

We had the privilege of working on numerous Easy Read projects for this royal commission between 2019 and 2023. This includes the interim report, progress reports, public hearing reports, research reports, issues papers and the final report. We have also worked with other royal commissions.


We worked with ANZ to develop an accessible Easy Read version of the ANZ Complaints Guide that aligns with their other branded content.

Easy Read HTML

Publishing your document as a webpage (HTML) is the most accessible format for information published online. Not only can we create an HTML version of your Easy Read content, we can even host it online for you. Or we’ll help you publish it on your own content management system.

Our Easy Read HTML also has extra features to support your audience:

  • Listen function – users can choose to listen to a high‑quality audio version of the content. It highlights words as it reads and users can change the audio speed, pause and skip.
  • Easy navigation – we split the content into sections, so users don’t have to scroll through one long webpage. Clear navigation buttons let users move through the sections.
  • Contents menu – users can expand the menu and jump to a different section or go back to your website.
  • PDF print option – users can download the full accessible PDF version of the Easy Read.
  • Want to try it out for yourself?
    Visit demo.easyread.com.au

Inclusive SA

We created an Easy Read HTML version of the State Disability Inclusion Plan for Inclusive SA.

NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission

We worked with the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission to create Easy Read HTML content about aged care home audits.

Optional services to enhance your Easy Read content

The best communication materials are created with the people who use them in mind. We recommend testing your Easy Read content with the intended audience to make sure it meets their needs.

You can find more information about focus group testing, document testing and screen reader accessibility testing on the user testing webpage.

We also provide plain language writing and editing, design and branding and online accessibility services. You can find information about these services on the our services webpage.

About the Information Access Group

You can meet our leadership, editorial, design and administration teams on the our team webpage.

Ready to get started? Request a quote.

Email us at info@informationaccessgroup.com

Call us on (03) 9585 2299 – we’d love to chat!

We look forward to working with you.